Team EpiVax remains hard at work through this global health crisis. Our scientists are dedicated to the cause while navigating new office protocols. Our fearless leaders Annie De Groot and Bill Martin remain on site at our Olneyville office, along with other key members of the staff.
Many employees are now keeping safe distances and precautions, working from their own homes. All around spirits remain high and many EpiVax’ers have enlisted a few extra hands (or paws) to get the job done 🙂
We hope you enjoy this look into our “new normal” office aesthetic.
CEO/CSO Dr. Annie De Groot with Jack, who is always happy to lend a hand, as long as that hand is petting him!
Aimee Mattei, Project Manager in IMF, has two extra sets of hands, with daughter Ellie and son Nathan
Business Development’s Sarah Moniz catches her pups Duke and Daisy napping on the job.
Bookkeeper Sarah Botelho trains Billy, temp Woofkeeper
Danielle Medeiros in Business development gets a helping hand from her son Riley, while Fenway the cat monitors closely.
Protein Therapeutics Associate Director Brian Roberts shares his space with Betta fish Dr. Robert Oppenheimer III
Director of Analysis Frances Terry keeps entertained by dog Pumpernickel on the ivory’s.
COO/CIO Bill Martin taking the Corona battle perhaps too literally?
Karen Nelson, Executive Assistant Extraordinaire, from her command center at home
Katie Porter, our Business Development Manager getting some side eye from Vera, “Mom, can you please keep it down? I am trying to sleep here.”
Frances Terry practicing safe social-selfie-distancing
Lauren Meyers, our Vaccines post-doc has a great helper in son, Frank.
Sophia and Kitty on call to help Matt Ardito, Principal Application Developer
Jacob Tivin, Bioinformatics Specialist, WFH
Fluffy taking a call from home.
Office Manager Jane Healey continues to greet with a smile and keep our office running smoothly.
Photo: Micheal Salerno
Lab manager Beth McGonnigal working on blood samples
Photo: Micheal Salerno
Sarah Moniz, BD Associate from her home office
Daria, resident ImmunoinforCatician, helps EpiVax Oncology’s Lead Computational Immunologist Guilhem Richard at home.
Scion has other things on her mind than helping out Patricia Bettinger, Scientific Director of Tregitopes
Research Associate II Chris Talbot performs assays at the bench inside EpiVax’s Providence lab.
Photo: Micheal Salerno
Shah Miah, Research Scientist, enjoying his home office
BD Manager Katie Porter enjoys the day at her window-side desk.
Matt Ardito, applications developer continues to keep our cloud running smoothly! Thank you Matt!
Photo: Micheal Salerno
Bioinformatics Specialist Jacob Tivin gets critical feedback from pup, Shyla
Dr. Brian Roberts WFH
Science at work!
Sandra Lelias, project manager in Tregitope reviews cellular interactions with her tropical fish
Mark Bushnell, Applications Developer II, lends a lap for his cat Miller
BD Associate Danielle Medeiros, working from home in a converted music studio
Happy Jack taking a break from his nap.
Ellie Mae is eager for Project Manager Holly Clifford to take a break!