Naive CD4+ T Cell Assay

Assess T Cell Responses

with Confidence.

The Naïve CD4+ T cell Assay tests the relative immunogenicity of sequences in freshly sourced PBMC samples derived from healthy human blood donors to closely mimic a natural, naïve human T cell immune response to a potential antigen. The PBMC samples are HLA-typed in order to ensure coverage of prevalent HLA types in the assessment.

PBMC samples are cultured with the test article or relevant controls for a number of days before being transferred to a FluoroSpot assay where PBMCs are stimulated as either a rechallenge or first exposure with the appropriate test article or control. The FluoroSpot assay is developed with fluorescently labeled anti-cytokine antibodies, enabling the quantification of adaptive immune cytokine-producing cells. Positive responses are determined by comparing cytokine readouts to the exposed and unexposed samples to assess T cell activation of cell type-specific effector cells.

The Naïve CD4+ T cell Assay is useful for assessing the immunogenicity of peptides. This is relevant to comparing immunogenic potential of generic peptide APIs and associated impurities and to validate any putative T cell epitope “hotspots” that might be identified in biologic therapeutic or vaccine candidate sequences through in silico analysis. 

A research assistant performing in vitro assays
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ISPRI Design™

Optional Add-on

Before heading into adaptive immunogenicity in vitro studies, have the team of EpiVax experts identify key potential hotspot regions of your protein and design peptides for synthesis and testing using our advanced in silico toolkit.

Learn more about the Naïve CD4+ T cell Assay today.