
An Epitope Content Comparison Tool

Accurately predict the immunogenicity of vaccines.

Throughout years of computational vaccinology work, EpiVax scientists have explored the role of T cell epitopes in vaccine efficacy using the proprietary EpiCC (Epitope Content Comparison) tool. The EpiCC tool enables the assessment of T cell epitope homology between two or more related protein sequences or pathogens. Higher conservation of T cell epitopes between vaccine and circulating strains (higher EpiCC scores) are thought to be associated with greater vaccine protection against challenge strains, as T cell epitopes may mitigate against disease when vaccine-induced antibodies do not protect.

The EpiCC tool has the potential for broad application in both human and animal health.

EpiCC allows researchers to:

 RCompare vaccine sequences against many field strain sequences

RAssess both Class I and Class II T cell epitope content

RSurveil circulating pathogens to identify potential threats

RQuantify vaccine T cell epitope coverage across field strain sequences

RIdentify commercially available vaccines or vaccine candidates that may confer the broadest cross-reactive cell-mediated immunity

RStudy T cell epitope content evolution

EpiCC allows developers to predict the immunogenicity of vaccines with ease.

EpiCC™ at Work: Empowering Zoetis’ Circo-Match™

EpiVax and Zoetis, a leading animal health company, have collaborated to develop the award-winning Circo-Match™: a unique bioinformatic tool that incorporates EpiCC™ to predict the coverage of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) vaccines against field isolates of the virus. The custom-built Circo-Match™ site provides a quick and powerful way to predict commercial vaccine effectiveness so swine veterinarians and producers can make informed decisions in vaccination programs. This tool is offered by Zoetis as an added-value service to pig producers, with the aim of improving animal care, welfare and farm profitability. 

Incorporate EpiCC into your vaccine research! Get in touch.