Designing a Better Assay – HLA-DR Binding Assays as a Tool for Immunogenicity Screening: Developing the Best Practices for Determining Immunogenicity by Annie De Groot | Oct 9, 2018EpiVax_AAPS HLA-binding poster epivax format[1]
Modeling HLA Binding and “Self” Conservation Using In Silico Tools Predicts Immunogenic T Cell Epitopes in Vaccinated Individuals by Annie De Groot | Oct 9, 2018EpiVax_ISV2018_HLA Binding and Self Conservation_4Oct18
Identification of a Tolerogenic Factor V Peptide and its Potential Role in Factor VIII Tolerance Induction by Annie De Groot | Oct 8, 2018EpiVax_ECI2018_poster_Identification of a Tolerogenic Factor V Peptide_30Aug2018
HLA Binding Assay Design: Impact of HLA binding motif centering on HLA binding results and T cell response; Relevance to Overlapping Peptide Analysis by Annie De Groot | Oct 5, 2018