The Computational Vaccinology Symposium: 2024
Elena Iemma
April 11, 2024

For the first time, EpiVax is hosting two back-to-back seminars in one of our favorite cities: Tokyo, Japan. Join us on Thursday for the Westin Immunogenicity Seminar, on Friday for the Computational Vaccinology Symposium, or both! As always, participation is free of cost and will include networking receptions at the close of each seminar.

*Please note: these are in-person seminars with no option for virtual attendance. 

Interested in presenting a poster on either day? Please submit a one-page abstract here.

(Following the Westin Immunogenicity Seminar on Thursday, October 17)

Join us for the Computational Vaccinology Symposium at the Westin Hotel Tokyo!  This will be a valuable meeting for industry and academic experts to discuss new data in vaccine design due to recent advances in AI and ML models. As always, participation is free of cost and will include networking receptions at the close of the seminar.

Register now to save your seat!

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A special thank you to our esteemed organizing committee:

Yoshimasa Takahashi, Ph.D. National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan

Fumihiko Takeshita, M.D., Ph.D. Daiichi Sankyo, Japan

Prof. Ken Ishii, M.D. Ph.D. The University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Joon Haeng Rhee, M.D., Ph.D. Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea

Manon Cox, Ph.D., M.B.A. NextWaveBio, USA

Prof. Chaok Seok, Ph.D. Seoul National University, Galux Inc., Korea

Anne S. De Groot, M.D. EpiVax, Inc.

Questions or concerns? Please contact EpiVax: [email protected]