Annie De Groot, EpiVax CEO will be speaking at the following conferences. Please click on the links for more information. We look forward to meeting you there!

Invited Speaker. Regulating Immune Response in Biologics – A Paradigm- Shifting Solution. Session: Immunogenicity Issues. 2nd Annual Advancing Biologics from the Lab to the Clinic, Amsterdam, Netherlands. January 25-26, 2011

Invited Workshop Leader. Controlling Immunogenicity: Tools to Predict and Reduce. Antibody Engineering & Design, Frankfurt, Germany. February 24-26, 2011

Invited Panelist. 11th World Vaccine Congress Washington 2011, Washington, DC. April 11-14, 201.

Tregitopes and Tolerance: Determinants and Correlates of Immunogenicity. University of Rhode Island Institute for Immunology and Informatics (conference not posted yet). May 9-11, 2010. Providence Rhode Island.

Invited Speaker. Immuno-informatics to Develop Novel Epitope Vaccines Against Bacterial Pathogens. 9th Annual ISF Colloquium on: The Systems Biology of Sepsis, Genomics and Beyond, New York, NY. June 22, 2011