EpiVax, a paradigm-shifting biotechnology company, takes the road this fall to share news about Tregitope – the small peptides contained in IgG that trigger regulatory T cells – and other cutting-edge science and technology with scientific colleagues.  Starting in Asia, EpiVax will be presenting the Tregitope paradigm shift at high quality, scientific conferences.

A list of upcoming conferences is presented here below.

Tokyo, Japan: September 23 2010. Regulating Immune Response in Biologics- A Paradigm-Shifting Solution? Immunogenicity of Biologics – Industry Seminar, Westin Hotel, Tokyo, Japan Pharmaceutical Association. Contact: Dr. Keizo Yoshida, yoshidakeizo@gmail.com, spelletier@epivax.com.

Tokyo, Japan: September 28, 2010. Lunchtime Seminar. Putting Immunoinformatics to work to develop safer vaccines and improved therapeutics. INCOB Japan. Asian-Pacific Bioinformatics Network. IMMS (International Immunoinformatics Society) session. https://incob10.hgc.jp/program.html.

Chantilly Virginia: September 28, 2010. Invited talk. Preclinical Design of Less Immunogenic Biologics: Tregitopes and Tolerance. 16th International Conference of the Inflammation Research Association. Chantilly Virginia, from September 26-29, 2010. New Technologies session. Andy Glasebrook, Chair. https://www.inflammationresearch.org/index.html

Brussels, Belgium: September 29, 2010 Invited talk. Tregitopes, Immunogenicity and Tolerance. 6th Annual Immunogenicity for Biologics, Sheraton Brussels Hotel, Belgium. 28 – 29 September 2010. https://www.informaglobalevents.com/event/immuno/speakers

Amsterdam, the Netherlands: November 30th & December 1st .  Invited talk. Immunogenicity in Biologics Session. Regulating Immune Response in Biologics- A Paradigm-Shifting Solution? Vaccine Session. iVAX: Building “Faster, Safer” Vaccines using an Immunoinformatics Toolkit. Advancing Vaccines & Biologics from the lab to the Clinic.