
  • The Immune System Achilles' Heel

    The Immune System Achilles’ Heel

    Posted on January 21, 2016 by Annie De Groot
    An academic version of this blog post, that explains why epitope redundancy provides resiliency (to bacteria) and weakness (to immune defense) can be found here.  . . . So a guy named Elledge has discovered a way to test your blood for the viruses that you’ve been exposed to. Sounds as if it will soon be available ...
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  • The Immune System Achilles' Heel

    The Immune System Achilles' Heel

    Posted on January 21, 2016 by Annie De Groot
    An academic version of this blog post, that explains why epitope redundancy provides resiliency (to bacteria) and weakness (to immune defense) can be found here.  . . . So a guy named Elledge has discovered a way to test your blood for the viruses that you’ve been exposed to. Sounds as if it will soon be available ...
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  • EpiVax Spins Out Aceno Biotherapeutics at JP Morgan/Biotech Showcase 2016

    Posted on January 11, 2016 by Annie De Groot
    PROVIDENCE, R.I., Jan. 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — EpiVax, Inc. (EpiVax) today announced the company’s participation in a new venture, Aceno Biotherapeutics, a BioSuperior company. Co-founder Anne S. De Groot MD will be presenting the vision for the new venture in San Francisco at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, at 4 PM (Davidson). Aceno ...
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  • A Computational Pipeline for Personalized Cancer Vaccines

    A Computational Pipeline for Personalized Cancer Vaccines

    Posted on December 7, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    A short time ago, we received an email that contained an individual patient’s cancer genome. The patient had appealed to his doctor to make a personalized cancer vaccine, and his doctor emailed us, to ask if we could help out. Our answer? Yes we can! A bigger question might be – how will the patient get permission to ...
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  • Raimondo Works to Spark Innovation Economy

    Posted on November 23, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    Rhode Island offers companies access to research and development to help them grow PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo, along with Secretary of Commerce Stefan Pryor, today launched three new innovation-focused incentive programs aimed at jumpstarting Rhode Island’s economy. Applications for the Innovation Vouchers, Industry Cluster Grants and Innovation Network Matching Grants are now available ...
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  • EpiVax Accelerating Innovation, Growth

    EpiVax Accelerating Innovation, Growth

    Posted on November 17, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    Seventeen years ago EpiVax Inc. spun out of a laboratory at Brown University – a high-risk but high-reward company whose founders had made an innovative discovery. Today the self-funded, Providence-headquartered company is at the forefront of vaccine research. Its computational tools enable developers to engineer and design safe, effective and protective therapeutic proteins and vaccines, and ...
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  • EpiVax vaccine technologies get big boost

    Posted on November 2, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    A new blue ribbon study, “A National Blueprint for Biodefense,” endorsed a new strategic direction for medical countermeasures to biothreats, recommending investments in vaccine-on-demand technologies developed by EpiVax. By Richard Asinof WASHINGTON, D.C. – The vaccine on demand technologies pioneered by EpiVax received a major shot in the arm when the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense released ...
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  • Blue Ribbon Biodefense Panel Recommends Vaccines-on-Demand Approach

    Blue Ribbon Biodefense Panel Recommends Vaccines-on-Demand Approach

    Posted on October 28, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    October 28th – Providence, RI – A report released today by former DHS Secretary Tom Ridge, former US Senator Joseph Lieberman and members of the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense (BRSPB) identified “serious gaps and inadequacies that continue to leave the Nation vulnerable to biothreats”. Their comprehensive report on the state of National Biodefense calls ...
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  • A BioBetter Botulinum

    A BioBetter Botulinum

    Posted on October 26, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    Ipsen and EpiVax have announced the completion of a collaborative project that resulted in a “stealth” version of a botulinum neurotoxin derived therapeutic. As foreign proteins, BoNTs have the potential to elicit an immune response reducing therapeutic efficacy. Ipsen is actively developing a platform of novel neurotoxin derived therapeutics, including targeted secretion inhibitors (TSI) that are opening up ...
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  • Back to the Future: iCubed (URI) hosts its 9th Vaccine Renaissance Conference

    Back to the Future: iCubed (URI) hosts its 9th Vaccine Renaissance Conference

    Posted on October 22, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    Even though Ebola has faded into the background, newly emerging infectious disease remain a challenge for the future. Completely new vaccines to prevent infectious diseases, and ancient ones, will be the focus of this year’s edition of the Vaccine Renaissance. For example, Dr. Steven Hoffman of Sanaria will describe clinical trials with his irradiated Malaria ...
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  • H7N9 Vaccine weakness due to Immune Camouflage

    Posted on September 25, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    Researchers at EpiVax and University of Rhode Island explain H7N9 influenza vaccine failure: Pathogen developed ‘Immune Camouflage’ to hide from human immune response The avian influenza A(H7N9) virus has been a major concern since the first outbreak in China in 2013. Due to its high rate of lethality and pandemic potential, H7N9 vaccine development has become a ...
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  • 9th Vaccine Renaissance: Last Call for Abstracts

    9th Vaccine Renaissance: Last Call for Abstracts

    Posted on September 11, 2015 by Admin Epivax
    ONE MORE DAY TO SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT! 9th Vaccine Renaissance Conference Providence, RI – November 4-6, 2015 The 9th Annual Vaccine Renaissance Conference planning committee is pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for consideration. This year the focus will be on new methods that will improve vaccine efficacy and safety and on the crucial role ...
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  • Where in the World is EpiVax?

    Where in the World is EpiVax?

    Posted on August 11, 2015 by Admin Epivax
    Having a hard time keeping up with the EpiVaxer’s?   Click HERE for more information about where we will be in September & October! October 15th → Taipei, Taiwan •Thursday, October 15th: 1st annual Westin Taipei Immunogenicity Seminar (FREE!). Click HERE to register. October 17th-24th → Seoul, Korea •Saturday, October 17th: Computational Vaccinology Workshop (CV5) at 9th Vaccine & ISV Annual ...
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  • Flublok, the first recombinant flu vaccine, reshapes the market

    Posted on August 10, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    MERIDEN, Conn. – Another flu season is fast approaching, and with it, concerns about the potential effectiveness of flu vaccines to combat two strains of flu virus expected to be in circulation, it seemed like a good time to do a story on Protein Sciences and its innovative, FDA-approved flu vaccine, Flublok. The success of Protein ...
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  • Designing the future at EpiVax

    Posted on June 30, 2015 by Annie De Groot
    A new, optimized vaccine for H7N9 flu could soon move into production. PROVIDENCE – Getting into the clinic has always been a bit of a stumbling block for EpiVax, a creative vaccine design firm headquartered in the former Jewelry District, with its pioneering immuno-informatics tools. Now, EpiVax is on the cusp of getting one of its designed ...
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