Poster: iVAX for antigen discovery, vaccine design, diagnostics, and epidemiology by Elena Iemma | Sep 22, 2023
H1N1 G4 swine influenza T cell epitope analysis in swine and human vaccines and circulating strains uncovers potential risk to swine and humans by Elena Iemma | Oct 26, 2022
Development of a Novel Fully Functional Coagulation Factor VIII with Reduced Immunogenicity Utilizing an In silico Prediction and Deimmunization Approach by Elena Iemma | Jun 8, 2021
Identification, Selection and Immune Assessment of Liver Stage CD8 T Cell Epitopes From Plasmodium falciparum by Elena Iemma | Jun 8, 2021
Bridging Computational Vaccinology and Vaccine Development Through Systematic Identification, Characterization, and Downselection of Conserved and Variable Circumsporozoite Protein CD4 T Cell Epitopes From Diverse Plasmodium falciparum Strains by Elena Iemma | Jun 8, 2021